Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The wait its over...

The wait is over.

The call has come.

The lack of this gift has caused, not only undue stress, but countless hours flipping through the shift give-away book which leads to nasty places Boat Dock and Dinoland (basically anywhere at Animal Kingdom) and loads of Contemp Dinner. But this is unnerving stress wilst soon be behind me.

When the call came, I almost couldn't believe it. I mean, I've been waiting for 9 months. The gestation period of a human child. The waiting is as old as a pregnancy. I didn't really shout it from the rooftops when I found out; I was scared it would somehow get taken away. But it's for real.

May 17th- Red becomes Yellow (for those of you who don't speak Disney, I got FULL TIME)

1 comment:

Matthew said...


Congrats! I'm SO EXCITED for you! =D