Monday, April 26, 2010

It's a cruel thing you'll never know all the ways I tried..

So I'm leaving my blog hiatus to share this video. It's by an Sweedish artist named Robyn but she is so amazing. Her performance is heartbreaking and beautiful. Promise you will watch till the end.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Worrywort/Lord of the Rings geek

I feel awful.

Like truly awful.

I slept last night but only because I have a nice nasty cold and got to take some nyquil.

But the preceeding 5 nights I didn't sleep.

I'm worried. I feel that way alot and its only getting more intense. I try to not let it get at me but the worry is a attacking for various angles. I'm not good at keeping an eye on all the angles yet. It's stormed Helm's Deep and I am holed up in the Hornberg (I believe thats the appropriate Lord of the Rings reference).

I don't know how to beat it. I don't know what to do at all. Sauron has taken Osgiliath. I feel like all there is to do is make a final stand. So I ride across the Pelenor fields, Anduril, my blessed sword at my side. Fighting. Bringing down as many orcs as I can before I, myself, am brought down.