Monday, April 12, 2010

Worrywort/Lord of the Rings geek

I feel awful.

Like truly awful.

I slept last night but only because I have a nice nasty cold and got to take some nyquil.

But the preceeding 5 nights I didn't sleep.

I'm worried. I feel that way alot and its only getting more intense. I try to not let it get at me but the worry is a attacking for various angles. I'm not good at keeping an eye on all the angles yet. It's stormed Helm's Deep and I am holed up in the Hornberg (I believe thats the appropriate Lord of the Rings reference).

I don't know how to beat it. I don't know what to do at all. Sauron has taken Osgiliath. I feel like all there is to do is make a final stand. So I ride across the Pelenor fields, Anduril, my blessed sword at my side. Fighting. Bringing down as many orcs as I can before I, myself, am brought down.

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