Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Yes, It's been a while. I often feel like the things I say are not as funny, interesting, or well-written once I finish putting fingers to keys. So I don't. Not as often any way and, even then, it's only if I feel like I can make it look good. So maybe instead, I'll just do one massive update.

I started reading. A lot. For me anyway. And I think I finally found a way to keep it going. I kept trying for ambitious reads, that's what I call them. I very clearly do not have the attention span for that. When I don't get through them with ease, I get frustrated and think reading is not for me. Which is just not the truth. I like reading quite a bit. I even ordered some books on Can you say, "BOOK FIEND"? Bwahahaa

I read THE HUNGER GAMES series and it was AMAZING. I read them quite rapidly. A month for all three with a short break between 2 and 3 to read THE GIVER (Again, 4 books in a month is quite a sum for me. A spectacular feat). But this series is absolutely my favorite. I'm very excited for the movies to spew forth.

I've seen many movies. The best and most interesting is THE SOCIAL NETWORK. It is about the creation of Facebook by that scoundrel, Mark Zuckerburg. The script (by Aaron Sorkin) is possibly the sharpest, most relevant, wittiest one of the year. I am very partial toward rapid fire dialogue between people that can keep up. It is shot with I wise hand by David Fincher. The casting was great as well. Jesse Eisinberg (I'm sure i'm botching the spelling on all of these names) as Mark, creates an ass of a guy who has heart. And who in the world would think that Justin Timberlake could act. I mean, more than is required for SNL skits. He plays Sean Parker, creator of Napster, and older brother figure to Mark.

Just go see it.

I've been in rehearsals for a new show coming to Disney's Hollywood Studios entitled DISNEY CHANNEL ROCKS. It has been a blast, but very challenging. I'll see if I ever get to to do it.

I got FINAL CUT PRO. Finally!! Four years in the making. I finished my first video project in years. It's about ninja-assassins. Yes, it's dorky and I feel confident you don't wanna see it.

Anyway, that's all for today folks.

1 comment:

Jamurai (^ ^) said...

ummm they'll want to see it, its quite awesome