Sunday, October 19, 2008

Shove It (Switch Remix)

The following blog might not seem very "Casey", but you'll get over it...i think.


I have some questions.

What is your problem? Did I do something to offend you? Do the words I say sound Iraqi? Do I smell? Is it cause I'm brown?

What did I do? I must have done something for you to react the the chilled eyes of Jack Frost when I enter near your presence. For my part, I try to talk to you and ask about your life and, generally, just try to be civil. To all humans. With the acception of country music stars and Amanda Bynes, I always strive to be polite to everyone. Even if I don't like you I will at least try to be nice. I don't think think an icy kick to the tuckas, isn't really merited in this scenario.

I have a dream. That one day, we can be rescued from immaturity. A crazy notion? maybe. But I believe in this dream and I believe in this country.

Got a little sidetracked, sorry about that.

Casey Tregeagle
Editor at Large
The Daily Casey

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