Sunday, April 15, 2007

Shaving in a Public Restroom

So at my job, i am always supposed to "look clean shaven". Well guess what!? Shaving myself takes quite some time. I don't really like to shave except for my upper lip (SO not a fan of the mexi-stache). So i hadn't shaved my cheeks (Face not ass) for almost two weeks. I have to make this fake trailer for one on my finals and I wanted to look older so i hadn't shaved. So sue me.

Too bad when i arrived at work Sat., with my scruffy appearance, the very pleasant people at Harmon's decided to declare that i was not to work untill i removed the "unsightly, hobo hair" from my face. Ok...what? Should i run home, shave, and come back to please their anal standards? Then one of my managers slipped away and returned with a razor and a can of shaving cream. Seriously?! They really expected me to shave in the nasty bathroom?

When you are shaving in a public restroom, you put yourself in a vulnerable position. You are there exposing your error in judgement to the passers by. But that is apart of life. You can try to get away with "unsightly, hobo hair" but eventually you are going to have to pay for the things you do wrong. Sometimes it might turn out that you are better for rectifying the mistakes, in fact most of the time you are. You learn the error of your ways and you better yourself. When you are shaving away your mistakes, there'll be snags and cuts. Marks that get left. But usually you'll find the best person has the most cuts on their chin. So be careful to look down on that young, slightly attractive guy shaving in the public restroom. He is fixing his mistake.

The question now is, what'll happen when someone comes to you with a razor and a can of shaving cream?

1 comment:

† Brycrasch said...

Ha I love it so much. Disney and Harmons seem to have similar standards. Curse them