Thursday, December 6, 2007

Jealousy killed the C.A.T.

A strange thing ocurred tonight. I was/am jealous of a friendship. Ok, I know I have no right to be jealous, I mean, I haven't exactly tried my hardest to be really close with these two individuals, but I couldn't help but state in my head, "Hey she was my friend first. BACK OFF!"

Yeah, it's a little childish and stupid but I couldn't help it. When i first met the girl, i loved her! We were the same person. I really think had I maybe tried a little harder, we could've been the friendship I observed a mere hour ago.

The thing is, I've known the male counterpart of the frienship longer. Nearly three years. So I can't really hate/make-fun of/swear about him behind his back. I like him too. He is an old friend. A good friend. But Damn it! I am jealous. I can't help it. It's just like that saying, "Jealousy killed the cat". Wait. I think that was curiosity. Meh, ah well. It still applies.

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