Saturday, December 1, 2007

Nothing much happens...

My friend Ness and I have been having discussions of late. It's crazy how we both feel exactly like we did last year at this time. Damn winter.

I have reflected back. At this time last year, our good friends were about to move florida. I seriously could not imagine what life would be like without them here. Then more quickly than i liked they were gone and I no longer had to imagine. Now, I know that i've talked about this before, but hey, it's my blog. They left and soon everyone started to leave, more for mission purposes but they left all the same. And thus this damn city became empty. Void of the people I grew up with and was tight with.

I got off the point. I was trying to say that we were getting ready to HAVE to say goodbye. Now, we are the ones leaving and I think we are getting ready to HAVE to say goodbye again. Granted, we're more happy about it this time around, but the waiting is driving me nuts. Waiting for something good to happen is always hard though. You just want it to come sooner. It's pretty much the same waiting for bad things. You'd almost just rather get them over with. The sooner things change the sooner you can adjust. You can move on. You can start to find some new happiness with things as they currently are. But the fact that it's 37 days away? I'll go grab my straightjacket.

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