Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Being back in Utah has been really weird. It's been fun, but... I suppose 'educational' would be a good word for it. I have missed ALOT. But it's ok. I don't really know that I would've really wanted to be here for alot that went down.

Anyway, I got to go to Panda night with my cousins. It was almost like it was in Flo. Accept with subzero temperatures.

And most magnificent so far; I got to hang out with my JennaLove. We went sight seeing yesterday (there aren't many sights to be seen, but those few needed to be saught) and it was so much fun. It is so easy to hang out with her even after a year of seperation.

So there is a little update. Oh HAPPY CHRISTMAS!


Matthew said...

Stay warm! We'll keep the temperatures high down here for ya.

Jentrie said...

Not the best angle of me ever...but still a funny picture. haha I will miss you when your gone.