Monday, June 29, 2009

Away We Go

Children! Kids! Teens! Younglings! Wisacres! (I don't know why that last one, it just sounded fun.)

You havehavehaveHAVE to go see Away We Go.

(WARNING: There is a possibility of me sounding like a dueche in the following lines of praise.)

It is so...real. This movie. The Real Deal. It's about a couple who travels across the country in search for the right place to raise their child. They decide they want to be near friends and/or family, so they visit their scattered aquaintences.

First, I wanna say what a great pair John Krasinski and Maya Rudolph are. I was kinda skeptical at first. I mean, "Big Tuna" and that girl from SNL? But they had this amazing connection. One that you don't see in movies very often. You can just look at them on screen and know they're in love.

Dear Sam Mendes,
You did great. You told a story that wasn't the most depressing thing I've ever heard (see: Revolutionary Road, American Beauty). You told a story of love and you did it with caution and care. Thank you sir, for bringing this film about (ok, I hope I'm done sounding deuchey now).

Look, sweet todlers, I don't wanna say much more because I don't wanna take away from your experience with this movie. Just know that it is heartfelt and crazy and lovely and heartwrenching and hilarious and sweet and about 30 other things that I could but won't go into right now.

For your consideration: Away We Go

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I am totally going to see this. Can't wait!