Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hey guys. I got a little bored today so I made a music video. Let me know what you think.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Be Positive

I feel like I've griped alot lately. Ya know? Been kinda negative, gonna throw out some positive. Here are a few things that make me smile presently.

1. Weeds season 1

2. Walking in the rain while:
If it's drizzling, listening to Death Cab's The Ice Is Getting Thinner
If it's pouring, listening to Bloc Party's This Modern Love

3. The Dark Knight

4. Being home for So You Think You Can Dance? on Wednesdays

5. Stephanie Meyer's New Moon

6. Panda night into Target

7. Being two feet taller than the rest of the world. (Being on stilts)

They don't really go in an order. It just looked more organized and I don't know how to make bullits. Anyway, there is my happy list.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Break Stuff

It's not very often I say that my feelings are well conveyed by a Limp Bizkit song but nevertheless. Today is well expressed by the song Break Stuff

Its just one of those days
When you don't wanna wake up
Everything is f*&^%$
Everybody sucks
You don't really know why
But you want justify
Rippin' someone's head off
No human contact
And if you interact
Your life is on contract
Your best bet is to stay away motherf&^%*$
It's just one of those days!

You better watch your back
Cuz I'm f*&^^%$' up your program

Your best bet is to stay away motherf&*^%$
Its just one of those days!!

And if my day keeps goin' this way I just might break your f*&^%$' face tonight!!
Give me somethin' to break

So come and get it

Friday, July 25, 2008


So last night I had my stilt assessment and guess what? I was awesome. I totally rocked it out. Basically, life could be good if I stayed. That is the moral of the story.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


The number of times i've seen The Dark Knight in less than a week

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Not Now But Soon

So lately, there has been a word that just erks me. I say it too, which is why I'm even more disgusted. It sounds promising, but the wise know that its most vague promise ever. That word, children, is 'soon'. I mean, think about it. Do you remember when you were 10 and you asked your parents, "When can we go to Disney World?" and your parents reply was "Not now but soon". And did you go soon? Like with in a few months even? No. Here's another example. Say you're 20 and working at rather well known company in their theme park division and you wonder "When am I going to get trained in some parade or show?" and certain officials say "Oh, it's coming up soon". Throne of lies. 'Soon' is a word used when the speaker wishes it was true but knows it's unlikely. Like "We'll hang out soon" or "I'll talk to you soon". So I guess knowing it's coming from a sincere place is slightly conforting. But still. Essentially, soon is an empty promise. A way of sufficing the listner's need for an answer without actually giving one. BAHHHH! I hate it. Stupid, stupid word.

You know what, kids? I had a hard day and I'm gonna go lie down. I'll talk to you soon,

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Low (ft. T-Pain)

Last post for the day. Sorry i've posted alot.

I fail at life. All day I have done nothing. Except for my brief excursion to Subway, I sat on my ass all day long. 12 hours of being the most useless collection of molecules ever. I have confused people, made people upset and got quite literally nothing acomplished that I should've. I can't even finish the crossword puzzle in the People magazine I didn't really want but bought anyway. Freaking hell. Lazy Failure is the only two words I can seem to come up with for myself

Something's Comin'

Guys! Guys! Seriously, listen up! Mark your calenders for October 1st. The most amazing new show last season is finally returning with and actual entire 22-episode season and I am geeking out. Pushing Daisies is coming!! Check out the trailer.


I feel...You know what. I'm gonna let regina speak for me.

This is from her brilliant song Bartender. It feels apropriate for my life at the moment

"love will be the death of me
love is so fickle
cause it starts with a flood
and it ends with a tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr trickle

Saturday, July 19, 2008


One of the most anticipated movies of my life came out yesterday. It's called The Dark Knight, the sequal to the 2005 superhero revival Batman Begins. In all honesty, I'm shocked I made it almost two days before I saw it.

But let me tell you, it was worth the wait. It's one of the most amazing things ever. The story, the performances, the directing. Ha-may-zing. That's right! It's soo freakin' amazing it needed to be said in three sylables. Heath Ledger portrays one of the most terrifying villians of...ever. He is my new acting hero.

Here's a nice little equasion to sum it up: Batman + Christopher Nolan (the director) + Heath as Joker= Absolute GENIUS!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Over My Head

There are things that I don't really like, but I can appreciate their artistic/influential value. They are well put together/made but just aren't my can of Dr. Pepper, ya know what I'm saying. Here is a few things that fall into that category.

-American Beauty
-Most rap music
-AOL instant messenger
-Songs from anyone who was a contestant on American Idol
-One Tree Hill
-Bella from the Twilight book series
-95% of dances choreographed by Mandy Moore on SYTYCD

The Wall

Since I have my own room (King size bed included), I decided I could decorate a little. Lemme know what you think.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Change is gonna come...

France is gone.

You see I had a french roommate. His name was Philipe, and he was kinda a deuche. However, he was three weeks into living in our apartment and, evidentally, Mayor McStank (my other roommate) was so unbareable to live with that he was driven from Versaille. It's okay. He ate my food and said nothing about it. I secretly hope France burns.

Anyway, the new guys is moved in. French had been gone for twenty mins and Britain moved in. Dan seems nice enough. I just feel sorry he is in the same room with the Mayor of Stankville.

London is better than Paris.

Monday, July 14, 2008

My Friends

I totally made two new friends!

Captain Hook

and Geppetto!

They were so crazy and fun. I hope I get to hang out with them again soon!

P.S. Goal 4 for July: Accomplished and then some

Saturday, July 12, 2008


This is my 100th post. Crazy. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Time Warp...

Something just happened I cannot explain. My apartment teleported to a French brothel. For reals. One moment I was watching accepted, and three seconds later, four men were shouting in French with French gangsta rap blasting the airwaves. I literally had no words. That doensn't happen that often. I was speachless. I was really trying to give Jon Luc (my new French roommate) a chance but I don't like the time-warp-to-his-country that went down tonight. Not a fan at all.

Kung Fu Fighting

So I highly recomend Kung Fu Panda. While it's about learning to believe in yourself (like most digitally animated movies aimed for children), it has one of the most amazing lines I've ever heard in such a film.

Yesterday is history,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
but today is a gift.
That's why they call it the present.

Plus, if you like Jack Black, it'll bring a whole slew of new one liners to your "Jack Black quotes" arsenal.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dance of the day...

basically, beautiful dance sex...

We Get On

Guys, I totally finished Twilight! I have this great sense of accomplishment seeping through my body. It has taken me a year to finish that freakin' book. A year of everyone glaring at me when I said it was a snooze-fest. But I got to the end and it turned out to be quite the page turner. To bad it took 350 pages to get to it.

But now, it's time to move on. A new day, a new novel. I have it picked out and it will probably also take me a year to finish but what else is new right? It's called New Moon.

Goal one for July: Complete

Monday, July 7, 2008


So here is my to do list for July:

1. Finish Twilight.
2. See more movies. espacially The Dark Knight
3. Meet new people.
4. Make a new character friend!
5. Decide if I want to stay in Florida for a bit longer.
6. Stop worrying and have fun.

It's kinda a work in progress, but there it is

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Dance of the Day...

Gev is kinda lame but Courtney tears it up. I'd tap that.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Wreck of the Day

I hope ya'll in the blogesphere had a good 4th. It's usually one of my favorite holidays. Luckily, I got in my celebratory acts the day before. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I honored the 4th of July on the 3rd of July.

Things aren't as crazy and obnoxious the day before. Streets are fairly clear. Stores aren't quite packed. Plus there are always people who do a test run of their home fireworks. I know because I was at my aunt's house, in her hot tub, instead of nasty ass Camp/Kiosk, where I was scheduled to be. It's good to veer off schedule every now and then.

Anywho, we had a family party the entire day and it was a blast. Putting it in retrospective, it almost makes up for my 4th, at Camp/Kiosk, where I was scheduled to be(11 and 1/2 hours is too long. I know, some people work 14 hour days but all I say to them is, "STUUUPID!"). I didn't even see any fireworks. I'm not usually big on exploding sky rockets but it's kinda a F*&^ you reminder to Britain that we got our freedom. I would have liked to see some reminding.

But alas, I am gorging on Saved by the Bell attempting to recouperate from the horrific night.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dance of the day...

The ending is a little rough, but overall amazingness.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


So Monday was shopping day. Here are some pics to chronclize the events.

I was trying to get to the last 12 pack of Dr. Pepper. Wal-Mart was a mad house.

Chasten left us at Target! What are we gonna do?

Let's pile into this shopping cart...for...transportation...?

And we roll into the dark abyss.

Dance of the day...

A little peek into Wade's mind.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July, July!

Every Monday, a few friends and I journey to Panda Express. The holy land of gormet Chinese food. We greet May, one of the cooks/cashiers, enthusiastically. Then we dine out on the amazingness that is Panda. Once the food settles, we each read our fortunes from youngest to oldest. The extra fun part? We do "in bed" mode. I've saved a bunch and will now share.

You will be honored with a pristigious award...in bed.

Keep true to the dreams of your youth...in bed.

You will soon be reunited with an old, forgotten friend...in bed.

The face of nature reflects all of life's ups and downs...in bed.

Advancement will come with hard work...in bed.

A treasured friend will soon visit you...in bed.

and finally,
New and rewarding opportunities will soon develop for you......in bed!

Happy July everyone!

Shave and a hair cut...

Lemme know what you think.