Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Be Gentle With Me

So I am happy to report that I don't have cancer. Nor do I have any cists, infections, or injuries. At least in my man area.

I had to go to the Urologist (that is completely spelled incorrectly and I am ok with that) today and I am not a fan. For those of you that don't know, a Urologist (see? I really don't care that I'm spelling it wrong. Other people might look up how to spell a word they are using, but not me. I'm a maverick. But I digress.) is a doctor of Man Parts. So you can imagine how slightly uncomfortable I felt when the good Doc is asking why I'm not in college while he's got his hand on my junk.

Anywhay. My point in this blog was to report my clean bill of health. Sorry if it got to be a little T.M.I.

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