Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Piece of Me

Every now and then, I am seized with the need to draw.

It's aweful. I know that. But this is the product of today's seizure.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dangerous and Sweet

Dear Stephanie Meyer,

Where do you get off?

Creating a world where vampires and werewolves exist, while also delivering the love story of the decade, thereby pleasing boys and girls. Who do you think you are?

I'm sure you can tell by now that I am speaking ironically and am enjoying your vampire saga.

Stephanie Meyer; don't change a thing.

Casey Tregeagle
dictated not read

Monday, November 24, 2008

Supermassive Black Hole

This is a dark place. Depressing. It makes the slums of Gotham City seem like a carnival. But the thought of a carnival. You know, cotton candy, ferris wheel, fun.

Not here. Instead of cotton candy there is a 25 cent candy despenser containing stale Hot Tamales. The ferris wheel replaced with a repetative robotic voice calling out the next number to be served. And the fun. Well, the concept of fun was an idea the residents of this dismal building tossed around but ultimatly wound up at the bottom of the trash, only to get burried under all the happiness in the world.

My fellow visitors came in varied shapes and ethnicities.

The man to my right: A middle-eastern man dressed in slacks and some metallic blue button down, desperatly trying to prove he is pro-America.

Across from me sits an elderly couple. While both graying from head to toe, the man is easily 10 years older. She nearly shouts directly into his very visable hearing-aid.

A few chairs down is Lil' Jon. Complete with dreads, shinny gum-wrappers attatched to teeth, and oversized basketball shoes.

One by one, each drone is beckoned and replaced by another.

The DMV is a dark place.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Know Where I've Been

Writing is cathartic. For me at least. I can often get some perspective on a given situation when I write it out. Just blurt it, you know? Induce word vomit. It sometimes works by talking through the problem with someone, but it is a pretty sure thing if I write it out, I'll be able to handle the situation in a mature, "drama-free" manor.

Now, I have said before that whilst writing in the blogesphere, you are essentially giving up the privacy of your thoughts. That's kinda the point. However, there are always going to be times where you want to have an uncensored vent-fest (by uncensored, I mean using actual names and the specific situation). Many friends I know of, have second "secret" blogs, perhaps, just for this reason. So I found it a little odd to be met with confusion when said friends became aware of my very own second blog.

Anyway, my point is this. I know my second blog wasn't on a private "invite only" setting. Hell, I even posted the link to check it out. But the madness behind the Here's the thing... was that I too wanted the chance to be uncensored. It clearly didn't work out well.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Into the Twilight

I just saw this great little movie. I guess it's based off some wildly popular teen romance novel, I never heard of it though. It's called Twilight.

Alright. JK. I read the novel. Won't lie; had a hard time getting through it. I know because of that I have alot hate being rolled my direction, but Que Sera Sera.

The movie adaptation, however, is just aces. Surprisingly, my big complaint was that it wasn't long enough.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Alright kids. It's winter.

Even here in Florida it's getting chilly. I love winter. I'm a freak, I know, but I love the cold. So here I sit, in my long sleeved shirt and newly purchased gloves. Curled up in a blaket, watching RENT.

It's my favorite time of year.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Don't Let Me Fall

So today my whorish roommate had locked me out of the house (it's a long story).
Granted it was all in fun but I only had socks on and it was freakin' freezing. I figure if I just knock, she won't just let me in.

I rapidly devise a plan to keep the coquette occupied so I can come through the back door. So I knock and ran. Ran around the side of the house which so happen to be having shall I put this...Backup. By the time I realized the shit-tastic mistake, there was no way I could stop without inadvertantly flying headfirst into the sewage. So I ran. Ran through it. Like the wind that didn't break, if you get what I mean.

Then I started thinking. That's kinda like a metaphore for life. You can't always force yourself to get somewhere. You work and work, but if it's not meant to happen, you should probably let it go. Cause soon, you'll want it bad enough that you'll try to trick it into working, and that's when you end up with CRAP on your socks. Metaphorically speaking.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I Caught Myself

If you're not to busy, check it.

Pushin Up Daisies

I am very sad to say that ABC is reportedly not ordering further episodes of their magical comedy, "Pushing Daisies".

This is such an amazing show you guys. I recomend soaking up all of the amazingness you can before it is too late.

I love you Chuck, and want to be your last kiss. :(

Thursday, November 13, 2008


My message today is simple.

PANERA is amazing. If you haven't dined there before, you need too. Everything (and by that I mean, the limited selections from the menu is have had the privelege to taste) is...AWESOME. Go and eat there. NOW.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Believe in the Stars

Guess who guest starred on 30 Rock last week?!


Wise, brilliant, beautiful Oprah. It was a fantastic episode. If you ever wanted to see Tracy Morgan in 'white face' (although I can't imagine any other scenario in which it would happen) then this is the time. Buy it on iTunes. Find it online. What ever you need to do you gotta see it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

High School Musical

I have no words to quite describe my love for this movie.

Just...just go see it. With an open heart and mind.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Space Between

So here's the deal.

2 weeks ago there was alot, i mean ALOT, of crap going down in my life. It was a little too much for me to handle. So I told the sponsers that I needed a break. Apparently to them that meant, "I am quitting and you should replace me with some deuche with 2 first names". Needless to say, a change was NOT what was needed at The Daily Casey. The blog went to pot under Alex Nicholas' inexperienced short reign.

When they replaced me, I moved on and created a new blog that has been fairly well recieved. Then, the sponsers over here begged me to come back. So I presented them with a plan. I am gonna pull a Shonda Rimes and continue writing for both blogs with care and attention. Neither is going to become the "Private Practice" of the blogesphere. I will be bringing in guest writers for The Daily Casey, so I can take a break every once in a while. I have confidence in this plan and hope you will enjoy the re-reign, if you will, of yours truly.

The Daily Casey will do what it has always done best. Be up with pop culture. Bring new music and thoughts on new movies and tv shows. It's what this blog has become known for and will continue to do it with excellence. Here's the Thing, my second blog, will be a more general account of day to day life. I am trying to see the bigger picture and I think this is apart of it.

Enjoy your day.

Casey Tregeagle
Re-Appointed Editor
The Daily Casey

Sunday, November 2, 2008



wait a minute. waitaminutewaitaminutewaitaminutewaitamainute. wait.

the downfall of the Daily Casey might not be here just yet.

stay tuned.

Casey Tregeagle
Formally Editor
The Daily Casey.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I regret to announce that due to an unforseen plummit in readership, The Daily Casey will be coming to an end. Apparently, since I have become Editor, all of our sponsers have pulled their funding. I guess, they don't appreciate my journalistic integrity and quality of work. Either way, I am more upset that this blog is falling. I'd just like to say that it was an honor to serve as your Editor, however short my reign was. Good day and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Alex Nicholas
The Daily Casey