Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Work and Kris the frat deuche

So it's been a while. A fortnight. Things have come up. None of which seemed relevant enough to report on, but I'll give a brief synopsis.

I've come down off my need for deep sea screaming. Some time has passed I've learned what you need to let go of thievery is some time-passing to occur.

We're almost to the new casting and my giddyness is expounding. I've been helping the Blue Ranger save the world for three weeks straight and I'm worn out. Literally. The tendon behind my left knee cap has quickly approached its limit. It started complaining so I wrapped it up to procure some needed quiet. But, in its typical fashion, it got all pissed off and started cause more aches and pains to my life when it has reached the achesandpains limit for the month. Ah well. Just two more days of world-saving and I get to go to school!

I invented a frat boy alter ego. Named Nick. I'll explain. I recieved a text at 2:47 am which read:
"Hey, u still up?"
-Being as I was unconsious, I read it this morning. It was a number that was not in my phone so I responded.
"Who dis"
-I know a Kris. SHE also helps save the world and does MISICI with me.
"From Rangers and MISICI?"
"I don't know what that means so prob no. But who this? r u hot?"

-Are you hot? This had to be some frat deuche. A scene immediatly began to unfold. This innocent 18 year old girl, who just got to college, shows up at a party. Many assorted collegiates roaming some dorm decorated in furniture from the 90's. Red plastic cups strewn across the room, full of beer pumped from a keg sitting in the kitchen. This young girl, while yes, hot, just comes to a party to meet some people when up strolls Kris the Frat deuche.

"I wouldn't say 'hot' but thats just me. I'm Nick. I work for Disney"
"Oh S***, ur a dude? Thought u wer this chick from ucf. Disney huh? Cood u get me in free"
-Of course. As soon as anyone local finds out you work for disney they ask you to get them in.
"Nah man. I wasted my free tix on this chick who don't even talk to me anymore. So f***** up."
"Man that is f***** up. Hope you laid her at least. Disney must be awesome. tons of grls and the gays are funny."
-Is this guy for real? But again, I play along.
"Yeah man. you best believe I had a bunch a disney chicks. Dancers. crazy flexible"
"Dude, we gotta party together. Hook me up w your chick friends....
-Then I recieve a pic message of a shirtless frat deuche in a backward baseball cap and I now have an image to go with the conversation
"oh sorry about the pic. sent it back when I thought u was that chick."

And that was the end of our conversation. bizarre way to start my morning.


Matthew said...

That's.. flippin'... awesome. I commend you for your creativity.

Julie Wilding said...

Hahaha. I love this story.