Saturday, January 26, 2008

As The W.D.World Turns

So today I believe I have hit a turning point. What I mean is that I have been with the orange bastard six times now, and I can't say I have had a whole lot of fun...until today. I had a fun day at boat dock, who'd've thought that'd be possible in this dimension? In other dimensions maybe but this one? Come on. But I am fo shiz, up the spout. I owe this fun day to three certain people. Victor, the elderly gentleman who chills with Eeyore, Nigeria, the hephalump obsessed friend of Piglet's and, the piez de risistance, Jessica, the N. Carolina "college" grad who held out a friendly hand. They be crazy but so cool. I made some friends today. Yeah, I kinda sound like a loser when I say it like that but you know what. It was a good day and I don't care!


Anonymous said...

So I finally found your blog and it pretty much made me happy to read the WHOLE thing (yeah, I don't mind being updated!). I'm so glad you got BPB --> you deserve it. To quote my dear 'friend' Miley Cyrus "I can't wait to see you again!" and hopefully it will be in that show. Miss ya, Casey. Keep your head up!! :0)

*Poohbear aka. "Jessica"

Jess said...

I just found this blog entry...again. I've spent the past two hours creating a website that will allow me to share my DCP experience with interested students at the college I work for. Finding this again totally made my day. DCP was certainly one of the most magical experiences of my life, and I owe that happy thought to the special friends I had there...and that will always include YOU!
