Sunday, January 27, 2008

A house is not a home

One thing that has been tough and weird is moving away from a home. There is a huge gigan-TOR difference between a house and a home (I know I live in an apartment but just go with me k?). Yeah, a house is somewhere you go at the end of the day, someplace your stuff is, where your mail is sent, but a home is so much more. When you have a home you feel safe and comforted knowing you are cared about. It contains people who (for the most part) just let you be. It'll sound very Peter Preisthood but, there is a feeling of love in a home. You can always tell when you are in a home because that power totally freakin' eminates from every nook and cranny.

Tonight I got to hang out with my aunt, uncle, and two little cousins at their home. I mean, my apartment is snail-speed growing to feel home-ish, but it was nice to be in a real home. It was good to be with a family. Even though it wasn't my immediate family it was nice to be with the traditional idea of a family. Parents, kids, their cousin, and his friend. It was delightful.

P.S. The President of the LDS church died today? What is with all the death lately. I'm not meaning to be sacreligous, but Heath went and now Pres. Hinkley? What is the world coming too?

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