Monday, April 21, 2008

Space Chronicles: Episode I- Time to Spare

So in all my three and a half months of working for the crazy mouse, I had never been a spare. For those of you less informed folk, if you are scheduled as a spare you are scheduled to come in just in case other folks call in. I guess Tigger's other friends usually show up to work.

Now, however, I am also friends with Goof. And Goofy's friends are flaky. And so it started Sun. I had to be in at 6. A. freaking. M. Why Goof would work at this uh-holy hour, I have no idea, that is the way the hat tilts. So I sat. One by one all of Goof's amigos come in. My roomie, Phil (who was also da G-man's spare friend that morning) were cool with it. We got paid to sit. Then, we went to check in and they needed a van driver. Phil and I look at each other is slow motion and decide we'll do it together. and let me tell you, it was the funnest shift in all the land.

Tune in next blog for another entry of.........(drum roll)............


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