Friday, April 4, 2008

What's your malfunction?

So the other day I saw Tig. It was kinda cool to see him again so we made plans to chill. The last three days have been Tigga-ful. Been helping him with character dining at a place that some call "prison", but I just call it Crystal Palace. To get there you enter the tunnels take a right and walk. Keep walking... and about when you feel that you have aged slightly it's right around the corner.

Wednesday was alot of fun. We didn't hang out for too long, but long enough that I realized I missed him. He's fun.

Thursday we went over to Playground. That's when I remembered how big a pain he can be. If he is out in the sun too long, he becomes a sweaty, whiney little bitch. Seven sets later, we parted for the evening.

Today? Today was good. We hung out on set and had some fun, but off set I totally was chilling with Pooh, Piglet, and Eeyore's friends. All girls, which for a straight guy in a gay world is always nice. And Eeyore's friend totally felt me up. It's been a while kids. It felt nice to be a metaphorical slab of beef. We nearly kissed but me being my neurotic self did not make the move. I psych myself out. I think only Freud could help me locate and terminate my perpetual inability to think a pretty girl could want me. I'm just used to being pushed away I suppose.

I totally did not mean for this to turn into a pity party. I need to work on not pulling this kind of jackassery so frequently. ANYWAYS, I was rewarded today. I have a new phrase. "What's your malfunction?" And really. What IS your malfunction?

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