Sunday, May 18, 2008

Behind Enemy Lines

So quite literally, I am hiding in my room. Now me being in my room is odd enough but me HIDING? That is a little odd to me. You gotta take something into account though. My roommate and his girl are prob making out as we speak on the couch I sleep on. I sleep there. Every. freakin. night. And they are making out on it. Am I completely out of line for being weirded out by that? I mean, if you wanna get technical, the couch is free reign. It is in the "common room". It also doesn't help that I had a crush on the girl located beneath my roommate. Yeah, that complicates things just a tad. I hate to quote Avril Levigne, I really do. But I feel her words are best. Why'd you have to go an make things so complicated?

I kinda feel like I am gonna get caught writting this at any moment. So I'm gonna go.

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