Tuesday, June 17, 2008


For a second time, I am attempting to read Twilight. Ya know, that silly book about the vampire that it seems every girl in the nation wants to marry.

Here's my issue. The main character, Bella, seems to dred going to going to live with her dad in the dreary town of Forks, Washington because the sun is never out and nothing happens with in 10 miles of it's city limits. And she is right. I'm 150 pages in and NOTHING is happening! What the hell? I thought there was a vampire somwhere in this chick fantasy. When is that gonna become into play? When is the freaking story gonna get rolling?

It's vaguely holding my interest for now. But Ms. Meyers better get it on the ball soon or I might just have to give up on the droll Washington town...at least till the movie comes out in December.

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