Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What a Day

So two things:

One, last night my crazy French roomie and I were talking till like 1:30 am about movies and such.

Two, I recieved intell today that made my brain short-circut (euphamistically, speaking).

Combined, these issues lead to the event of my calling in sick to work. You see, I firmly believe that every once in a while, you need to take a mental health day. A day when you should be doing something, but instead give yourself a day to shut down and reboot. No contact with anyone. Just do whatever you want.

I slept in and watched some Saved by the Bell. After, I went to Downtown Disney and saw The Incredible Hulk. It was surprisingly really good. I mean, it wasn't the most amazing ever, but it was alot better than expected. Then, I came home to So You Think You Can Dance?! It was so good.

Anyway, I've rebooted. Back to reality.

1 comment:

Julie Wilding said...

mental health days are definitely always a good thing. definitely.