Monday, January 19, 2009

Embrace Your Inner Whore

I'll preface this by saying I'm not angry, just stating a fact of life.

Every single person on the freakin' planet is a whore. Maybe not in the tradition sense of the word, but we all are whores. We all do one thing or another whorishly (i.e. in a whore-like fashion). We can whore ourselves to food leading us to gain weight and have proof of our whoredom. We can be close friends with 80 people beacause we need attention, which would be called a 'friend-whore'. Or we can just make-out/sex-up an assortment of people. That's more the traditional sense.

I, myself, am a tv show/dr. pepper/block party whore. And a little in the more traditional sense, but hey! I embrace my inner whore and I think we all should.

(I know, the title wasn't the name of a song but this was better.)

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