Saturday, January 9, 2010


About a year ago, I named a batch of hopes and wishes that I desired to come to pass in 2009. Paroozing them, I came to find that nearly all of them occured. That's good...right?

Here are some of my hopes for '10.

I hope that these seasons of Lost and 24 are just as amazing (if not more) than last year.

I hope that I can become a better performer by the end of the year.

I wish to learn some new roles at the company.

I wish for an Emmy nod for Diablo Cody. Her show United States of Tara is freaking incredible. I just finished the first season.

I didn't get all those degrees happier. So I hope I can manage to catch up and even add 4-5 more.

I wish for a relationship this year. I have lots of room for growth in that department (...dirty).

I hope to make it back to Utah some more this year.

I wish for health and happiness for my loved ones.

I hope more books will catch my fancy this year. I read 5-6 novels which I think is the highest quota of my life. That may not sound like alot, but for me thats quite impressive.

Well, those are my hopes and wishes. You got any?

1 comment:

TinTin V. said...

Sounds like a great list to me. Here's hoping they all come true! Cheers!