Monday, November 30, 2009

Last Minute Additions

It is the last day of Nov. And I have many unfortold things I am thankful for so I will bust them out in a rapid fashion.

I'm thankful for Dr. Pepper.

It makes the world taste better. It sustains me. Keeps me running. For that I am eternally grateful. I started drinking it a few years ago while working at Hale Center Theater Orem. You see at that point I was an avid drinker of the sperm-killing Mountain Dew. However, when I would go get my free drink and there was no yellow 5 infested juice, I had to drink something else. Which happen to be Dr. Pepper. We met, fell in love, and the rest is history.

I am thankful for my job.

While, yes, overworked and underpaid, I love my job. I get to perform for vast crowds and bring joy to little HSM obsessed children. It also keeps me from becoming obese and unhappy with life because other wise I would be fat and working at a job i don't enjoy which would create ample misery.

I'm thankful for other film oriented minds.

I'm used to people not having any clue as to what I am saying when I discuss filmography. But, in the high school breakroom, I can make an obscure reference Frank Capra and certain kids understand what I am saying. It's not a big thing but its nice to have some like-mindedness everynow and then.

I am thankful that I have "Main Street Electrical Parade" on my iPod.

After a dull day of stupidity and rude and dullness, the music from the original night parade came on my iPod and it thouroughly delighted me and made me want to immediatly extricate myself to CA to watch it live(but for now on youtube). And also be full of delight and undull.

I'm thankful for my best friend.

It's pretty cool when all I do is walk up and he knows if something is wrong or not. Tis quite awesome.

It was a wonderful November. Thank you to all persons and things that contributed to the lovely thankfullness of my month. It brought much pleasure to my life to be able to share my happy times with you readers. I know I'm not the most eloquent but I hope you liked my musings on the world.

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